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Ibex Clearing - FAQsJPG
  • What is land clearing?
    Land clearing refers to removing vegetation, trees, and other obstacles from the land. ibex Specialises in clearing unwanted vegetation from land.
  • Do I have to clear my land?
    Not at all! It's your land. Here at ibex, we see the benefits of clearing your land; sooner is always better. Unwanted vegetation will continue to grow out of control, increasing the time and efforts to clear it in the future.
  • What are my options for clearing land?
    There are a number of ways to clear the land, from manual labour to large, heavy excavators. It's best to start with a plan for how you want to see your land and work back from there. ibex's method is to turn unwanted vegetation into mulch that can break down into the soil. We also have a lower footprint that can reduce the impact on your land, and we work remotely, which is safer.
  • Can I clear land myself?
    As mentioned above, Yes, manual labour can be used to clear land. You will need to take into account the time tools and safety to complete the clearing.
  • What if my land is very steep?
    Steep land up to 60º is where ibex can help out - we are able to operate on these steep slopes keeping safe with the use of remote control. Land conditions can impact when and how we approach the steep sections of your land.
  • How will my land look after ibex has finished?
    Depending on the service you require, - Grass will be cut to your request, there will be cuttings left that will breakdown into the soil. - Stumps will be cut below the surface, depending on what your repurpose is will depend on how deep we cut. All tailing will remain to fill the void of the stump and any extra can be used on the garden. - Land Clearing, this can vary but generally we will be looking to scalp the land leaving mulch and dirt after we have finished
  • Will I have to deal with regrowth?
    Regrowth is a question we always get - and the short answer is yes. There will not always be regrowth; if you look to use sprays before clearing the land, this can help reduce the likely hood of regrowth. Knowing this is an excellent way to approach the project. Having a plan to deal with the regrowth as soon as you see signs will keep the time and costs down; you could choose to use sprays or have ibex return to complete maintenance cuts to keep on top of the regrowth.
  • GORSE - Why is gorse a problem?
    Gorse is considered a problem because it is highly invasive and can rapidly spread, displacing native plant species. It forms dense thickets that are difficult for other plants to penetrate, reducing biodiversity and altering ecosystems. Gorse also poses a fire hazard due to its flammable nature and can impede access to land for agricultural or recreational purposes.
  • BLACKBERRY - Should I keep Blackberrys for the fruit?
    We feel that it is a big job to keep Blackberry in the wild under control. Blackberry bushes are highly invasive and can spread rapidly, forming dense thickets. They can quickly dominate an area, crowding out native vegetation and reducing biodiversity. Their growth habit allows them to outcompete other plants for resources such as sunlight, water, and nutrients.
  • KIKUYU - How do I control Kikuyu grass?
    Kikuyu is on a mission for sure - Regular maintenance by mowing, and cutting edges and if you are open to herbicides, this can work too. When the Kikuyu has taken over and is unmanageable, that's where we can help out, we can After a discussion, cut the grass right back to the ground level where you could even look to seed a new grass variety or look knock it back down to a manageable level. We can also help with the regular maintenance by mowing on a regular basis.
  • BAMBOO - What can I do with bamboo?
    Some bamboo species are known to have aggressive and invasive growth patterns. They can spread rapidly and take over large areas, potentially choking out native plants and disrupting the ecosystem. Bamboo requires regular maintenance and management to keep it under control. It needs frequent pruning to prevent it from spreading uncontrollably and becoming a nuisance, This comes at a high maintenance cost. You could opt to cut the bamboo down and use the cuttings for a purpose and then have ibex remove the remains with our stump grinder or allow ibex to clear everything starting with the forestry clearer and following up to get the roots with the stump grinder.
  • Wilding Pine - Why clear wilding pine?
    In New Zealand, wilding pines pose significant environmental and economic issues. Environmental Impact: Wilding pines in New Zealand invade and replace native ecosystems, leading to the loss of indigenous plant and animal species. Water Resources: Wilding pines in New Zealand have extensive root systems that consume large amounts of water, depleting water resources in affected areas. Fire Hazard: Wilding pines are highly flammable and can increase the risk of wildfires, especially in dry regions of New Zealand.
  • FLAX - What are my options?
    Flax is one of those plants that can take over, yet if you can keep up with the maintenance it can attract great bird life. Pruning and Trimming: Remove any dead or damaged leaves by cutting them at the base of the plant. Over time, the lower leaves of the flax bush may become untidy. Prune them back to improve the appearance of the plant. Avoid cutting the central growing point, as it can harm the plant's overall health. Pruning can be done in late winter or early spring before new growth appears. Flax bushes are not a plant ibex can remove due to the strong fibers, it causes havoc with the rotating parts of our attachments. If removal is a must you may need to look at using a digger to get the root system removed.
  • PAMPAS GRASS - How can you, remove Pampas Crass?
    Pampas Grass is often confused with Toetoe - the flowers look similar yet the Pampas grass is best removed. Toetoe flowers from spring to early summer and Pampas Grass from late Jan to late May. If the Pampas Grass has been killed off then we can possibly look at removal with the machine, otherwise, we have some suggestions below. Removal is unfortunately a manual process for the most part - Cutting back the grass as low as possible, by putting a tie around the grass first to contain, using either a sharp blade or a chainsaw if you are confident cut at the base of the plant. You can then easily move the tied-up cut plant to a burn or compost pile. Once the grass is cut back and the area is cleared of any cuttings, ibex can clear the remains with the forestry clearing attachment. We need the site cleared of any cuttings as such as Flax, Pampas grass has strong fibres, that can hinder the attachment operation.
  • If you have not found your question.
    Sorry if we have not been able to answer your question. Get in touch and let us answer in person, phone, email or text we are flexible. Contact us HERE
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